You can check up on all your tickets by clicking Check Ticket Status link. Note that you need to be logged in to see your tickets.

Once in the dashboard, click Tickets top menu. You will be taken to the area which lists all your help desk tickets with iDelegate.

Your ticket  can have one of the following statuses:

  • Open. When a ticket requires an action from iDelegate, it is marked as Open. Every new ticket is marked Open by default.
  • Pending. When we require additional information from you, we mark the ticket as Pending. This means we cannot proceed with solving your issue until you come back to us.
  • Resolved. We will mark the ticket Resolved once we have provided a solution and have answered all your questions.
  • Closed. You Close the ticket once you accept the provided solution. This effectively means that the solution actually solves your problem.

Any time you respond to a ticket, its status automatically moves back to Open for as to act on. This also means that you can reopen previously Resolved or Closed tickets.